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Team Schnittman

Jeremy Schnittman | Silver Spring, MD
I donated to my B4C campaign

Jeremy Schnittman

For his whole life, our son Chaim has been forced to push himself to do more. More doctor visits, more medication, more hospital stays, more therapy. Inspired by him, and in his honor, this summer I am pushing myself to do more than I could have ever imagined: a 180-mile bike ride through NY, NJ and PA.

This is no ordinary ride; it’s an exhilarating cycling event ending at Camp Simcha, a remarkable overnight camp that provides seriously ill children with a vacation from sickness, restoring their spirits and renewing their determination to fight. 2019 was Chaim's first time attending Camp Simcha, and it was a life-changing experience. It was his first time away from home, and despite how nervous he was going off on the bus without knowing a single soul, he pushed himself, and was rewarded not just with two weeks of non-stop fun, but the absolutely priceless reward of overcoming a huge personal challenge.

He is already counting the days til the 2020 session. As Chaim says, "You can't spell Simcha without Chaim S!"

Each year, Chai Lifeline’s flagship programs, Camp Simcha and Camp Simcha Special, offer 430 children a chance to forget about illness and just be kids again. Camp is an oasis of fun, of joy, and of peace for children experiencing dark and turbulent times. To learn more about Camp Simcha and Camp Simcha special, visit

My objective is to raise $18,000 by then, and I hope you will help me reach this goal. All donations are 100% tax-deductible.

Please contribute by clicking on the donate button now.

Thank you for supporting me and, in doing so, helping children and their families cope with the diagnosis, treatment, and aftermath of serious pediatric illness.

Best Regards,


Rider Map


raised of $18,000 goal


1. Rebecca Wichs
2. Anonymous
3. Anonymous
4. Jeff & Sima Neiger
5. Anonymous
6. Mechy And Sheila Frankel
In honor of our incredible grandson Chaim and his wonderful parents
Member of

Team Baltimore

301 donors