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For My CL Warrior: Sarah Naomi Weiskind and as a merit that a heart is found for Joey Rosen - Yosef Michoel ben Yehudis and for a refuah for my mother Chaya Gittel bas Devorah Miriam

Benjamin Weiskind | Pikesville, MD
I donated to my B4C campaign

Benjamin Weiskind

Our Inspiration: Our Daughter Sarah Naomi Weiskind




Sarah Naomi had a heart transplant over 5 years ago and is thriving despite the challenges of living with heart disease and the life-long effects of being a transplant patient.


Sarah Naomi is a dynamic, funny, non-judgemental, and strong leader. She inspires us all. She inspires other children who struggle with illness. However, she needs the medical and emotional support as well as freedom from her illness by going to Camp Simcha Special each summer. It's just 2 weeks long, but it gives her the fuel to thrive emotionally for the entire year. That's why every dollar you donate is important. With your donation comes our wish that you and your family have the freedom from illness Sarah Naomi craves and the wonderful good health everyone deserves.


On the first night of Chanukah in 2014, Sarah Naomi was the recipient of the greatest gift ever - a new heart - at the tender age of 10.

During her ordeal in the hospital and afterwards, our family developed incredibly special relationships with many people who helped us in many ways. We have come to appreciate the special nature of Chai Lifeline as we have come to know other families with challenging medical situations and how they are supported by this amazing organization. It is their rock.

Chai Lifeline and Camp Simcha Special have been there for Sarah Naomi as well as our family. She looks forward to 2 weeks every summer when she can enjoy all aspects of life despite her illness. There are no limitations in camp, and she gets to experience utter joy.

Click here to see why this is so important to Sarah Naomi:




This summer, pending medical approval, I will bike either 80, 100 or 120 miles in one day through multiple states to Camp Simcha in New York, where I can be inspired by warrior children fighting illness.

This is no ordinary cycling event; it’s an exhilarating ride ending at this remarkable overnight camp that provides seriously ill children with a vacation from sickness, restoring their spirits and renewing their determination to fight. Due to Covid19, this year's camp is offered as a day program.

The ride won't be easy; neither is life for a child with cancer or other serious illness. Camp Simcha and its sister camp, Camp Simcha Special, are Chai Lifeline’s flagship programs. Every year these two camps offer 430 children a chance to forget about illness and just be kids again. This year Chai Lifeline came up with Camp Simcha Without Borders to provide a form of the camp across the country in different communities for children who could not commute daily to the Catskills. To learn more about Camp Simcha and Camp Simcha special, visit


As a medical camp, it costs $10,000 per camper, which is raised through donations. My objective is to raise $20,000, which would cover the cost of two campers.

I hope you will help me reach this goal. All donations are 100% tax-deductible.

Please contribute by clicking on the DONATE button now.

Thank you for supporting me and, in doing so, helping children and their families cope with the diagnosis, treatment, and aftermath of serious pediatric illness.

Best Regards,

Rider Map


Our CL Warrior - Sarah Naomi Weiskind

2019 Team Baltimore

2019 Interview with Sarah Naomi

2018 interview with Sarah Naomi

Sarah Naomi and Tzvi


raised of $20,000 goal


1. Sabba and Safta Goldberg
2. Irvin Naiman
3. Gershon And Sara Litt
In honor of Sarah Naomi and the entire Weiskind family! Keep on riding!
4. CES co-workers
Ben, In memory of your mother from your co-workers at Clarksville Elementary. Our hearts are with you at this time.
5. Dave Kenyon
Thanks Ben!!! Go get em. We will be praying for all involved.
6. Stephen And Nuala Duffy
Member of

Team Baltimore


Fundraising History

Total Amount Raised since 2017
raised in 2019
raised in 2018
raised in 2017

Chai Lifeline Warrior

Sarah Naomi

213 donors